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Our Back To School Self-Care Essentials Checklist

Our Back To School Self-Care Essentials Checklist

Navigating the Back To School season can be tricky for parents, but remember that you did a great job this Summer and you’re doing a great job now with the transition into the school year. All told, you’re killing it. With our busy lives, changes in routine, the stresses of the wider world, and the night’s drawing in, it’s more important than ever not to forget your own well-being. The new school term and the approaching winter are sure to bring their own demands. So here are 5 tips for self-care that will help keep you winning at life with a healthy mind.


Back to School Self Care Essentials Checklist - New English Teas


1. Plan your meals ahead

Create a weekly meal plan and order your shopping online if you can. It will save you time, and even more importantly, it will keep you on budget. It can sometimes feel a lot to plan all this in the moment, but you’ll soon get the hang of it and it will become part of your routine. With the time and money you’ll save, you’ll never turn back.

2. Prioritise your own sleep and wellbeing

It’s easy to fall into the habit of cutting your sleep and skipping your yoga, workouts, meditation or whatever your thing is. Don’t. Make time for whatever it is that makes you tick.


Wellbeing and Self Care - New English Teas


3. Child-free time

Take a child-free hour for yourself a couple of evenings a week when the kids are in bed. Spend time with your partner, take a relaxing bath or whatever you want. You'll feel recharged, and you deserve it.

4. Phone-free time

Try setting a no phones rule for an hour before bedtime. It’ll help you unwind.

5. Be mindful & drink tea

Take regular quick breaks throughout your busy schedule to reflect. Make your favourite brew, put five minutes aside, and just be. You might feel you’re wasting time, but you’ll be more productive and feel better for it.

We recommend a nice herbal tea, such as our Rosehib & Hibiscus or Camomile. Explore our full range here. If fruit & herbal isn’t your thing, our delicately favoured English Afternoon will most likely do the trick.


Back to School Self Care Essentials Checklist - New English Teas

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